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Shakespeares Othello The Moore of Venice as a Tragedy Literature Research Paper
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
According to Bradley, “There is practically no doubt that Othello was the tragedy written next after Hamlet”, “[and it] is the most painfully exciting and the most terrible” (Bradley, 1905 p.176). Othello is probably the most neatly, the most formally constructed of Shakespeare’s plays. While dealing with the concept of a tragedy and tragic hero, the majority of the researchers adopt the studies of the great thinker and scholar Aristotle. 
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The Work Created by the Spanish Choreographer Juan Ignacio Duato Literature Research Paper
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According to the paper, The Work Created by the Spanish Choreographer Juan Ignacio Duato, Duato began his dancing career in England since Spain did not have reputable dance schools. At age 16, he attended Ballet Rambert School.".  Although he was told that his age served as a barrier to dance, but his teachers told him that he possessed something inspiring.
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Analysis of Jane Eyre and Pride and Prejudice in the Context of Anti-female Sexism in Society and the Economy Literature Research Paper
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In Pride and Prejudice, there are similar gender and sexism dynamics involved with the characters’ relationships. As Darcy becomes more able to change and falls in love with Elizabeth, this change leads him into a more sensitive position in which he is freed from his early habit of patriarchal absolutism.  
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Morality as Defined by Mark Twain Literature Research Paper
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
According to the research findings, it can, therefore, be said that although there are not always clear distinctions made between social morality and individual morality, there are frequently situations one encounters in life where personal feelings of justice or fair play prompt one to react against the expectations of social order.
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The African Congo in Heart of Darkness Literature Essay
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
 Some critics, like Frances Singh, have looked at the ways in which Conrad and his narrator Marlow use language to dissociate themselves from the horrors of imperialism. Singh is particularly interested in the ways in which Conrad assumes the conventions of the Gothic genre to create an atmosphere of unreal horror in Heart of Darkness.
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William Shakespeare: Poet, Dramatist, and Man Literature Research Paper
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The author states that plays of his period were not seen for the works of great literature that they are seen today. The way in which the English public viewed actors and acting made the plays seem trivial, similar to current day situation comedies. However, the accredited work to William Shakespeare is considered to have coveted roles for actors.
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T.S Eliots The Wasteland, its Richness and Cataloguing Sequences Literature Assignment
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Though many cultured readers find it amusing to check their knowledge of the greats against Eliot, there is much more to the poem then simply referencing. The language of the poem is in itself a mark of what makes the work ‘literary’. The literary traditions of the past felt that the ideology of a text is what placed it foremostly as a work of literature.
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Young Goodman Brown Literature Research Paper
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In the book she co-edited with Dane Anthony Morrison, entitled Salem: Place, Myth and Memory, Nancy Shultz states that “Hawthorne set Salem firmly into our imaginations by emphasizing two main aspects of the town’s history: the witch hysteria and the rise and fall of Salem’s glory days…his fascination with Puritan imagination informed his treatment of Salem past ".
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Analysis of So Far From God by Ana Castillo Literature Book Report/Review
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
in conclusion, the notion of modernity is evident with Esperanza’s wish for a new life. Her search for independence brings out the notion of detachment from her old life into a new one. Unfortunately, her death in a foreign land, while pursuing her dreams, brings out the notion of bereavement to Sofi who by now has lost all of her daughters
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A Puritan and Social Contextualization of Hawthornes Young Goodman Brown Literature Research Paper
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“Young Goodman Brown” by Nathaniel Hawthorne has provided a way for contemporary people of entering into the social and cultural life of the Puritan community in Salem in 1690s. Nathaniel Hawthorne questions his own religion by constructing a story along with a vivid character, Goodman Brown, a young Puritan man with a dream in Salem.
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Summary of the Novel Night by Elie Wiesel Literature Book Report/Review
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
The irony is understood from the perspective of God and Hitler on the Jewish people. Hitler had promised to wipe out all the Jews of Europe and he appeared to keep his promise by executing them (Wiesel 132). God had promised the Jews that they were his chosen people and would rule over the earth but with the tribulations, they faced under Hitler.
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Femininity on Pride and Prejudice Literature Term Paper
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Term Paper
"Pride and Prejudice" offers a lot of rules of femininity, ones that, if women did not follow, they would not appear appealing to potential suitors. It was believed that since women had to be appealing to men, then men should be the ones to lay down the ideals of what constitutes as a perfect woman. 
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Dantes Inferno Literature Book Report/Review
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
In fact, it is one of the first literary works written in modern standard Italian language. This masterpiece is the main reason why Dante, who is both the author and principal character of the Divine Comedy, is often referred to as the father of literary Italian language. In this essay, I will summarize and analyze the first part of Divine Comedy.
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Autobiographical Main Character Traits in Mary Shelleys Frankenstein Literature Coursework
6 pages (1482 words) , Download 2 , Coursework
The story behind Mary Shelley’s “Frankenstein” is Switzerland, the experience acquired from reading “Fantasmagoriana,” and more specifically the German ghost story “The Vampyre.” Shelley came to write “Frankenstein” after getting past a writer’s block after reading “Polidori” from “Fantasmagoriana.”
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Virginia Woolf: Three Guineas Literature Research Paper
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The author states on the subject of gender, Woolf is very often cited by feminists in their work and one of these new areas which had attracted special scholarly research interest is the role of women as victims in war and the ways in which women could be utilized to prevent wars in the first place.
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The Great Gatsby Characters Literature Research Paper
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 4 , Research Paper
For the most, the characters are not pleasant or sympathetic. Indeed, Wilson stated, “The only bad of it is that the characters are mostly so unpleasant in themselves that the story becomes rather bitter before one has finished with it”. But Fitzgerald did not want to sugar coat his characters so that everyone would love and empathize with them.  
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Thomas Sprats Influence in Jonathan Swifts Writing Style Literature Term Paper
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Term Paper
Jonathan Swift satirizes the intellectualism of academy and particularly the Royal Society in Part III of Gulliver’s Travels. The Royal Society included prominent scientists like Robert Hooke, Isaac Newton, and Thomas Sprat. Thomas Sprat’s History of the Royal Society, which could be regarded as the Society’s official ideology of science.
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Southern Secession Commissioners and Causes of Civil War Literature Book Report/Review
5 pages (1498 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
The Southern states had sent commissioners to the other states to convince them to secede (separate) from the rest of the United States because the Republicans under the United States President Abraham Lincoln did not agree with the Southern States’ decision to exercise the States’ right to keep the slaves as personal property of the Southern slave owners.
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Confucian Ideas in Confucius Lives Next Door Literature Book Report/Review
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
T. R. Reid uses “Confucius Lives Next Door” to illustrate how the teachings of the ancient philosopher and political activist, known in the West as Confucius, have influenced East Asian cultures as they have risen in economic power. Confucius’s teachings revolve around loyalty between individuals and the groups they belong to.
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Great Gatsby - Film Adaptation Literature Term Paper
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 4 , Term Paper
The film "The Great Gatsby" includes a cast of characters dwelling in the town of West Egg during the summer of 1922. The film revolves around a mysterious and younger millionaire called Jay Gatsby. The film is composed of different themes. It teaches the audience about the kind of life to adapt and how to relate with other within a society.
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Arthur Dimmesdale as a Tragic Hero Literature Essay
1 pages (250 words) , Download 9 , Essay
            Although Dimmesdale is respected by the town and is generally a kind man, though his public actions show he is not a hero. He allows Hester and Pearl to publicly suffer for the adulterous “crime” and to be shunned by the townspeople. Instead of taking personal responsibility and standing with them, he decides to try to repent inwardly and in private, in part by branding himself with his own A.
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Cinderella's Different Stories Literature Assignment
2 pages (500 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
Princess Megan Rose in an item for Children's Literature Class in college compared three versions of the story and found that they all had the basic narrative structure but Disney made the greatest digressions and made it almost cartoonish and she felt that it could have been the reason for its greater appeal.    
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The Issue of Homelessness in Suitcase Lady by Christine McLaren Literature Essay
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The mood in this essay is characterized as somber and eerily comforting. The author’s use of short and concise sentences presents the information factually as if there is no question or doubt about the suitcase lady’s struggling story. Her too long of a French name, her watery eyes, her gentle care in handling the belongings in her suitcase are comforting images and thoughts for the reader.
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Stephen Leacocks How to Live to be 200 and Catherine Pigotts Chicken-Hips Literature Essay
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While Leacock attacks the men who take themselves to the heights of nonsense in exercise and staying fit, Pigott explains how the concept of feminine beauty changes from culture to culture, hinting at the Western obsession of self-punishment by denying oneself food and peace of mind in order to stay slim.
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Bloody Mary as an Urban Legend Literature Assignment
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Officially speaking, an urban legend is any story that is circulated within a given population and believed, at least by some, to be true.  These stories are usually intended to frighten or restrict behavior in some form or fashion.  An example of an urban legend is the story of Bloody Mary.
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Robert Frost Poem The Road Not Taken Literature Book Report/Review
1 pages (250 words) , Download 1 , Book Report/Review
From two diverging roads, he selected the one that was deserted and left the one that was opted a lot. Poetry was not seen as a profession but Frost adopted it. He chose the path of poetry and left farming and he himself says that he “shall be telling this a sigh”, which indicates that he had a liking for farming as well and was not happy to leave it. 
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Story of an Hour by Kate Chopin Literature Essay
2 pages (500 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The twittering sparrows account for a primary symbol in the story. The number of birds as Mrs. Mallard saw in the eaves symbolizes her yearning for freedom beyond the walls of their house. Sparrows in literature are regarded with the characteristic of being lewd. This could even translate to lust and sparrows are common symbols in Greek literature and mythology.
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Desiree's Baby Literature Book Report/Review
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Topics such as race, bigotry, the social situation, and even love are explored very well in the tale and it seems to suggest that bigotry and hatred for something abstract may very well take over the feelings of love. Desiree's Baby has something wrong with her and that ‘wrong’ comes from her appearance which makes her look one-quarter black. In essence, the child seems to have ‘mixed’ blood.
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Huck Learns a Lesson: Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Literature Case Study
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Very soon the old, bald man and the younger man start telling lies to Huck and Jim. The young man claims that he is the Duke of Bridgewater and must be treated with respect and the old man claims to be the Dauphin, the rightful heir to the French throne. Jim believes them but Huck knows they are lying.
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Death of a Salesman Literature Assignment
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One of the physical settings of the play is in the Loman’s house – in the front porch, backyard, basement, bedroom, and kitchen. Husband and wife Willy and Linda are in conversation with each other. Willy says these words to Linda his wife indicating that he is surprised at the changes taking place in the neighborhood, in addition to changes in the people at home too.
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Gregors Physical Metamorphosis Literature Assignment
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Metamorphosis means literally a transformation in the physical appearance of a living being. In Kafka’s Metamorphosis, Gregor is shown as having a physical transformation as he is transformed into a huge insect that is gruesome. The title is about the transformation of a human being not into an insect but into an alien.
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Lonesome Femininity Witnessed Through the Eyes of Student Killings Literature Assignment
2 pages (685 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
The story reflects Elisa who is the main character as a complex, unloved, and unappreciated woman. Elisa is introduced as an ordinary woman, “working in her flower garden……Her face was lean and strong and her eyes were as clear as water” (Steinbeck, 2005) this powerful description exhibits her longing for affection and companionship.
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The Man to Send Rain Clouds Literature Book Report/Review
1 pages (250 words) , Download 1 , Book Report/Review
The Man to Send Rain Clouds” published in 1969 was in fact Leslie Silko’s first challenge in fiction writing. Leslie Silko was brought up at Laguna Pueblo, in west-central New Mexico. The intensity and exuberation of feelings with which Leslie Silko has narrated her own feelings and emotions have strengthened the American Originals through this short story.
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How I Got That Name by Marilyn Chin Literature Essay
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She had to migrate to America with her family when she was a child. Her poem, “How I Got That Name” depicts her conflict and struggle torn between the two identities- American and Chinese. She feels caught between the two worlds, haunted by the fear of losing her identity. The opening lines of the poem stress the importance of self-identity and the pain behind losing it.
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Poems Written by Billy Collins Literature Essay
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Billy Collins’ poetry makes one smile. It is the poetry of the moment- usually funny and surprising. . He may be writing on a very simple thing like missing a vacation, or a disquieting thing like the beginning of dementia, or on a profound philosophy of life, but each poem is treated in a unique way to make it interesting and funny.
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Barn Burning by William Faulkner Literature Book Report/Review
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The tale is related in the third person and trailed a typical design. When the narration started, Sarty together with his family is said to be inside a courtroom. During the first paragraph, Faulkner presented us to Sarty, the major character in the tale. He seemed to scorns the rich people, as he described their unusual smells.
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The Choices that the Protagonist Makes in the Guest by Albert Camus Literature Essay
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Choices are guided by moral reasoning, personal convictions, or social conditioning. Albert Camus’ “The Guest” depicts how the protagonist makes choices. His choices show that his ideologies are distinct from the other characters. His dealings with the police officer depict his respect for him, but he will not compromise his conscience for that. 
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Analysis of The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka Literature Essay
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It's kind of sad, that the family only sees him as a financial resource more than as a member of the family. When they found out about Gregor's transformation, instead of becoming worried about his condition, how he's feeling and what happened to him, they get more concerned about him not being able to work. So that compelled them to find themselves jobs, and they all found one for each of them.
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The Dead by James Joyce Literature Assignment
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Gabriel doesn’t fly into a rage or become upset when Gretta tells the story of Michael Furey. He simply becomes sad. He tried to comfort her; this is a sign of his love, how understanding he is. He realizes that like himself, she too is haunted by the dead all around them. The emotions he begins to feel work to alter his perceptions of his marriage, his wife, and his own life.
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Analysis of Outcast by Claude McKay Literature Movie Review
1 pages (250 words) , Download 10 , Movie Review
His body carries the cultural identity of the west and he has been paying obeisance to the ‘alien gods’ which rule the western culture. His soul yearns to come out of this body and roam back to find its real identity; however, the poem closes with a note of realization of being caught between two worlds and the loss of identity 
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Preface to a Twenty Volume Suicide Note by Amiri Baraka Literature Book Report/Review
1 pages (461 words) , Download 0 , Book Report/Review
As a young writer, in his early period of his writing career, Leroi Jones, now Amiri Baraka wrote this poem “Preface to a Twenty Volume Suicide Note”. It is part of a bigger collection of poems that are introspective. This poem was written before the murder of Malcolm X and before the poet’s involvement in black liberation.
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Hanging Fire by Audre Lorde Literature Essay
2 pages (579 words) , Download 3 , Essay
There are too many worries of the main characters and she doe does not have anyone to support her emotionally, even her mother. She feels lonely shut away from her mother who is inside a closed room. She loves a boy, who is immature, to whom she does not want to reveal the truth about her. There is a constant fear of death and growing up before that.
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Native Americans Writers: Louise Erdrich and Wendy Rose Literature Assignment
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The kind of captivity that does not only chains the hands and the feet but along with it is the chain of one’s freedom to be him/her self. The stolen identity is what this captivity all about. In the midst of chaos where the cause of turbulence is uncertain, the author expresses a strong determination to survive. 
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The Color Purple by Alice Walker Literature Book Report/Review
1 pages (250 words) , Download 1 , Book Report/Review
When attempting to explore the substance of the novel, The Color Purple by Alice Walker, and the manner it appears, we distinguish that there are particular things that persuaded the occurrences or things that influenced the creator to compose a novel of its nature. We, as readers, ought to be aware of these events and circumstances.
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Wild Swans at Coole Literature Assignment
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Yeats became popular in composing poetry when he was quite old. In addition to this, Yeats expressed his personal feelings in this poetry which dealt with sadness for the time that has passed away as one becomes old. In addition to this, this poem reflects his sorrow for the loss of many things in his life.
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Sailing to Byzantium by W.B. Yeats Literature Essay
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In the first stanza of the poem, the speaker indicates the vitality and heartiness felt by not only people but also by other living creatures such as ‘fish’ and ‘fowl’. Everything around him is young and happy. The scene’s liveliness is sketched by the speaker by means of his words, “That is no country for old men”, “young in one another’s arms”, “birds in the trees”, “sensual music” and “unageing intellect”.
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To the Daisy and The Stolen Boat Literature Book Report/Review
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 1 , Book Report/Review
In ‘To the Daisy’, the poet begins by praising the flower ‘daisy’. This flower is often used by different poets to signify death or rather, to soften the harshness of death. In the eight-versed, 48 line poem, the poet begins with lovely similes meant for the flower. ‘The Stolen Boat’ is a poem that does not concentrate on any particular object but rather on the ‘Being’ that dwells within Nature.
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The Epic of Gilgamesh and Hymn to Aton Literature Essay
1 pages (331 words) , Download 2 , Essay
In The Epic of Gilgamesh and “Hymn to Aton,” people emphasize the role of gods in the creation and control of society. However, “Hymn to Aton” represents well-considered creation, while in The Epic of Gilgamesh the thoughts are still chaotic, because of the lack of knowledge and experience of civilization.
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American Dream in The Great Gatsby Literature Assignment
2 pages (546 words) , Download 5 , Assignment
Women get dressed in expensive clothes and do everything they can to make it look as if they came from the kind of family Daisy came from and guys spend every penny they have trying to look like they make more than they really do.  People run around buying everything on credit so that they can have this appearance even if they really don’t make that kind of money. 
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The Red Convertible by Louise Erdrich Literature Essay
1 pages (250 words) , Download 0 , Essay
He’s thoughtful and loving toward his family, buying his mother a TV and taking care of his brother through their connection with the car.  Both he and his brother seem like people I would like to know before Henry goes away.  When Henry comes back, he is “jumpy and means.”  He doesn’t laugh, sit still or notice when he bites through his lip.  
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