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Where My Learning Journey Began - Essay Example

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The paper 'Where My Learning Journey Began" is a good example of a human resources essay. The current report is dedicated to the diversity course I have studied at Middlesex University. Being a third-year student, I understand that business management is a very versatile term that requires a complex understanding of the processes which are not of the business or management nature directly…
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Extract of sample "Where My Learning Journey Began"

Executive Summary

The current report is dedicated to the diversity course I have studied at the Middlesex University. Being a third-year student, I understand that the business management is a very versatile term which requires a complex understanding of the processes which are not of the business or management nature directly. In accordance with the course I have come through, this is evidenced by the existing legal framework by the institutions, the implementation of gender activities directions. However, despite the existence of legislation, monitoring of gender discrimination, government funding, the level of outreach to the population can be assessed as insufficient. This assessment also applies to the current practice of protection against gender discrimination through the court system. Consideration of applications and complaints of discrimination based on gender analysis and gender imbalance staff of the organization carried out infrequently. From the point of view of the scope of Labour in relation to issues of the State Inspectorates of various countries, the gender discrimination should cover not only cases of dismissal of pregnant women in the denial of their employment because of paid maternity leave, as well as issues of access to employment, career advancement, referring to the professional category, the field of wage discrimination. Critically analyzing what has been learned throughout the course, it is possible to note that the gap between de jure and de facto gender equality promotion.


The report and rationale

The current report is dedicated to the diversity course I have studied at the Middlesex University. Being a third-year student, I understand that the business management is a very versatile term which requires a complex understanding of the processes which are not of the business or management nature directly. Thus, in this report I am going to show what I have studied and how it will be applied in practice.

My module learning objectives

In the course of this module, I have posed my module learning objectives. They are

  • to find out the most important facts on the role of diversity from the point of view of the business management;
  • to investigate the key process which are touched upon in the course;
  • to create an overall and particular understanding of the essential ideas and points of the course;
  • to get new experience;
  • to become more intelligent and be able to apply my knowledge in the future.

“Where My Learning Journey Began”

My first week on the module

My learning started from the point where I was informed on the aims and principles of the course. The course focuses on familiarity with current for society, and for the life of every human theme, diversity in its all manifestations. Having undisputed recognition at the international level the gender dimension of law continues to be in need of explanation. What is special about the rights of women or men? Do I need privileges on grounds of gender or any other type of diversity which can be met both in global and local meanings? Do women need special care of the state? What are the rights of men must be protected? These and many other questions will be discussed in the classroom. However, I personally, believe that “diversity means understanding,” Stuart Scott was convinced (BrainyQuote 2016). The course discusses the problem of discrimination based on sex; evaluated the possibility of protecting the rights of women and men at the international and national level; critical analysis comprehended the possibility of topics within the social sciences. Teaching is interactive in nature, including role-playing, discussions, participation in on-line conferences and other forms. Along with the development of the content material during the course master and develop students' skills in the art of argumentation and public speaking. Particular attention is paid to the development of analytical skills course participants.

To achieve this goal in the programthere are the following tasks: to go through the basic necessary concepts topics (law, human rights, discrimination, etc.); to examine the main areas of concern realization of rights; formed for the protection of human rights action skills, as well as their own other people; possibilities are known for solving problems through the exercise of citizenship and human activity; estimated the value of freedom, tolerance, justice and respect for the truth.

“What I learnt from the literature”

Key diversity issues

Gender (as well as other numerous particularities of the humans such as nation, race, ethnicity, religion, language) is a system of relations and interactions that make up a fundamental component of social relations; stability of the system and, at the same time, changeable basis of stratification (ie, social stratification) of the company on the basis of sex and its hierarchy

representatives. This system of relations rooted in the culture and can create an idea of “male” and “female” as social order categories, to empower some (usually males) and subordinate others (women).

It has been studied throughout the course that the gender equality should be defined as the objective of equality between women and men, which is derived from the belief in the injustice of the many forms of gender inequality. The UN has identified gender (and other points) equality as an objective relating to human rights, especially the rights of women, not men, and economic development (Healey 2009). It presupposes the equal treatment of men and women. For example, equal pay for work of the equal value, which is equal to the number of men and women among the beneficiaries, the equal distribution of the budget and other resources for men and women. In the context of decent work, gender equality includes equal opportunities for equal access to safe and healthy working environment, equality in associations and collective bargaining, equality in achieving tangible career, maternity protection, as well as equitable for both men and women to balance work and family. ILO understands gender equality as a matter of human rights, social justice and sustainable development.

In addition to this, one of the most important points for me was the equal employment opportunities means. I can truly claim that they presuppose,

  • equal treatment in the workplace (Equal Employment Opportunity policy is fair treatment for everyone who has a job or trying to find it);
  • focus on the personal qualities of the employee (The best work for the best candidate);
  • the causal mechanism of the efficiency of productivity and competitiveness;
  • promote the activeness in order to attract workers (this requirement contributes to the successful implementation of management plans, which, in particular, is a total quality management);
  • the proper way business planning (Equal Employment Opportunity policy sets clear targets and destroys the barriers to employment and maximum performance);
  • communicate with all aspects of employment, including the search for candidates, salary and other benefits, career advancement and working conditions;
  • solution, not the problem (the policy of equal employment opportunities – this is the way that used worldwide to tackle the causes of discrimination).

I have to make an emphasis on the fact that George and Rozario (2007) rightly point out that it is impossible to speak of genuine human development not counting gender. Moreover, women in nearly all countries make up half and the greatest population. At the same time,

today they are deprived of many opportunities in economic and political life, as compared to men (Liu, Volcic & Gallois 2011). Due to stereotypes about men and women in society, gender inequality persists.

Speaking about the implementation of socio-economic rights, it is necessary to address not only legal equality but also to actual equality, which can be achieved by all methods of state influence, including special measures of protection. Equality actual possibilities is a real tool aligning the position of men and women in public relations, effective system to ensure equality in law (Kumra & Manfredi 2012). So, in the numerous countries there is a progress in the implementation of the principle of gender equality in the workplace.

From the point of view of the scope of Labour in relation to issues of the State Inspectorates of various countries, the gender discrimination should cover not only cases of dismissal of pregnant women in the denial of their employment because of paid maternity leave, as well as issues of access to employment, career advancement, referring to the professional category, the field of wage discrimination. Critically analyzing what has been learned throughout the course, it is possible to note that the gap between de jure and de facto gender equality promotion due to the fact that,

  • the legal system to ensure gender equality, has insufficient economic base, and control and monitoring mechanisms of the compliance with legislation in the field of gender equality are not perfect;
  • Lack of appropriate responsibility for failure of regulatory legal acts in this area.

Another important and interesting aspect of the business management I found in the course was the discourse of multiculturalism. I can state that it has been carried out for more than three decades and all the while accompanied by a fierce controversy. In recent years, multiculturalism is often subjected to severe criticism, which, however, does not diminish the interest of scientists and politicians to this phenomenon (Wilson 2008). Mainstreaming, related to cultural pluralism, multicultural society and, in particular, education, largely due today, economic and political changes, passing under the motto of globalization. The advancing globalization exacerbates the existing problems of multicultural societies, provoking the emergence of new conflicts. In addition, to the fore the fear of Americanization (Westernization), which most often associates globalization and fear of losing their cultural identity (George and Rozario 2007).

In these conditions there is a need to rethink the role and value of multiculturalism, ideally designed to provide conflict-free multi-cultural societies (Holland and Burnett 2013). There are various, sometimes diametrically opposite points of view on the role and prospects of multiculturalism. For some, multiculturalism – it is a necessary condition, the foundation of peaceful intercultural coexistence. For others, the overreliance on the ideas of multiculturalism can lead to loss of cultural identity (Roper, Prouska & Chatrakul 2010). In the third sense, adjusted the most critical multiculturalism in today's world is a new type of “modernized racism.”

It has been studied throughout the course that even in countries where the idea of ​​multiculturalism, it would seem, has firmly taken its place in the social and political spheres of life, there are differences in the interpretation of their role and importance. Critically evaluating this idea, I can say that a specific example of this assumption is the situation in present-day Germany, which in recent decades has become a multicultural society, with its typical problems. However, in Germany expressed doubts whether German society is multicultural. The discourse of multiculturalism in Germany refers to the three main items: a radical, moderate and anti-multicultural, and the boundaries between them are rather relative. As in most European countries, in Germany the ideas of multiculturalism are relevant primarily because of the large number of migrants living in the country. Despite a certain unity in the understanding of multiculturalism in the left and right Germany used these ideas for their own purposes. One of the most interesting conclusions I have come to is the fact that multiculturalism and diversity, which are still identified by many scholars as “cultural pluralism,” are based on the concept of cultural relativism, that is, culture is seen as closed, self-contained unit.

The left uses the idea of ​​pluralistic multiculturalism in their speeches against the claims of migrants assimilate into their host culture. Conservatives, above all, to support the preservation of the rights and duties of the national culture. However, they have the consideration that multiculturalism is “the fear of mixing.”

Both sides insist on the recognition of differences cultures. Even in this context, the required tolerance to the other of which is written as the press it means, in general attempt to avoid the interference of culture. Naturally, the possibility of mutual influence of such an approach seems unlikely. The position of the Conservatives in relation to the cultural melting pot seems very contradictory (Danowitz, Hanappi-Egger & Mensi-Klarbach 2013). They are first and foremost opponents of the so-called “melting pot,” since insisting on the “legibility” of differences. At the same time they recognize the presence of foreigners as an integral part of German society, and require them to assimilate into German culture, in order to prevent the disintegration of society.

Having come throughout a great amount of the information on diversity, I can now compare the situation in the world with the situation in the country I come from. In my country,, Saudi Arabia, this interpretation of multiculturalism is reflected in the fact that so far strict distinction between “Asians” and “foreigners,” between “their” and “foreign” is maintained . It also – and more or less explicit rejection of biculturalism. Access to two cultures seem more loss than enrichment: a person can have in this case only the two “halves” of identity. However, as Rumi said, “Christian, Jew, Muslim, shaman, Zoroastrian, stone, ground, mountain, river, each has a secret way of being with the mystery, unique and not to be judged” (, 2016).

Thus, with regard to the majority of migrants in Saudi Arabia, multiculturalism produces ambivalent effects: on the one hand, among its main features include resistance to the domination of one culture by the ideas of multiculturalism rejected the need for assimilation of migrants, on the other hand, the establishment of the principle of origin does not allow migrants to be fully accepted into the dominant culture and society. The process of globalization has already become a reality for Saudi Arabia, as, indeed, for other countries.

It would be logical to expect that anti-globalists elected multiculturalism as their primary weapon. However, today it is clear that in the ranks of the anti-globalization formed an ambiguous attitude towards multiculturalism. In Germany, the exponential is the position of the representatives of the public initiative, which has become well known in anti-globalization circles over the past two years. Multiculturalism left not a kind of “positive discrimination,” which is a hidden form of racism. In accordance with the knowledge I gained throughout the course I can state that multiculturalism serves only to emphasize the differences and to justify inequality.

“What I learnt from the in-class sessions”

Insights gained from the diversity cross-cultural exercise

Tasks of the discipline include formation of ideas about the diversity of cultural knowledge and multidisciplinary area of ​​contemporary culture theories; professional study of the history of formation cultural knowledge and the development of cultural urological thought; gain knowledge of the structure, functions and social laws of development of culture; acquire skills of independent material master on the basis of library collections, online resources, the ability to thoughtfully understand methodologically complex and alternative approaches to the study of cultural phenomena, possession specific conceptual apparatus of cultural knowledge.

The basis of the chosen layout textbook material is a summary of the content of the course, as well as systematically ranked disclosure the main problem and the concepts of discipline, ideas and personalities of importance in the history of theoretical knowledge, and cultural phenomena the formation of cultural studies as a science. Special attention is paid to the following topics: cultural system of modern humanitarian knowledge, structure and functions of culture; dynamics of culture, the principles of cultural typology; unity and cultural diversity and intercultural communication. The focus in this case is on the problems of philosophical and theoretical understanding of culture in intellectual history; history of the formation of cultural science methods of cultural analysis types, cognitive turns in methodology of the study of culture characteristic directions, concepts, schools and their ability to cultural studies.

The practical importance of cultural knowledge gained in areas of business management study can be applied cultural studies and culture of everyday life. The sociocultural studies related to the practical needs of society are called to provide the examination of the cultural policy of the state projects, laws and legal instruments aimed at regulation practices in the field of art, science, education, sports, and others. This is the problem of the protection of cultural heritage, revival of national cultural traditions, human socialization and cultural environment, the study of the interaction of cultures, identifying causes of conflicts on ethnic or religious grounds, and making recommendations for the prevention or elimination of their consequences, and others.

I believe that the course includes the study of the organization of cultural activities, activities of cultural institutions, leisure centers, methods of festivals, popular festivals, amateur and initiative associations and interest etc (Temkin 2014). I have a conviction that the cultural knowledge is supplemented and such philosophical sciences, aesthetics, religion, ethics, philosophical anthropology, philosophy and history of science and such directly scientific disciplines and scientific specialties, linguistics, philology, art history, social history, ethnography and ethnology, theory and history of education, and others.

The study of close in issues of culture disciplines such as psychology, sociology, communication theory, and others. Within the framework of cultural studies thus generalizes different material studying the culture of science that allows you to organize and diverse historical and cultural material. But being a complex discipline, cultural acts both as a general theory of culture, having a common conceptual framework, where the concept of “culture” and “civilization” are among the most fundamental ones.

In science, the term globalization is beginning to spread in the 1990s of the last century and today is one of the most common terms macrosociological analysis. Despite the fact that the term of American origin, in one form or another problem, that it affects are discussed in different languages: in France the term mondialisation is used, in Spain and Latin America – globalizacion, Germany – Globalisierung. The ubiquity of the term “globalization” indicates the scale events which it denotes. Each direction of modern social-humanitarian knowledge puts in a certain sense globalization. In this case, Kim (2013) argues that the economic nationalism of individual states has become meaningless, since the role of “powerful actors” on the world economic stage play now “global company.” That, in the opinion of author, expresss the essence of globalization.

Wiarda's (2014) position on the content of the concept Globalization is not shared by all scholars, but that it was the starting point of any discussion on this topic. Despite the existence of a wide variety of positions on the causes and conditions of occurrence of such phenomena as globalization, economists tend to agree that its essence in the formation of the world economy of a special type, and in accordance with that focus their efforts on the study of such problems as the creation of a major financial system, considering the scope of the activities of transnational corporations and engulfing them all new countries and territories.

“How the keynote speakers inspired me”

Adopting a never give-up attitude

The numerous countries are important to consider the requirements of the process of functioning of the national gender policy implementation mechanisms that are enshrined in international instruments which serve as a national mechanism to the following requirements,

  • be subordinate to the highest possible level;
  • to implement decentralized planning, implementation and monitoring for a wide attraction of the non-governmental and the public organizations;
  • be secured the necessary human and financial resources; have an opportunity to influence
  • government policy development in all sectors. The problems associated with gender discrimination, are solved in different ways: through collective contracts (agreements); through participation in various consultation meetings, meetings, among other things, on the enterprise; by develop trade union action programs on the subject.

“Concluding my learning journey”

Summarising my learning and how I applied my practice

The main thing I liked about the course is its multidisciplinary, i.e., it is a characteristic of the formation knowledge of the culture throughout the history of civilization. The concept of cultural phenomena and problems began to take shape within the framework of philosophy, history of science, theology, long before the concept of culture itself acted as a fundamental generalizing categories. For a long time, in Europe during the era of Antiquity and the Middle Ages – studied essentially separate cultural phenomena – the social and political order, moral and ethical ideas, aesthetics and art, anthropology and psychology, the history of how set of events that reflect the cultural processes – despite the fact that categorical generalization of all these phenomena as culture is not appeared. This has its explanation: the ancient idea is not allocated transformative creative, ordering of human activity concept nature – in this case the nature of the ancient thinker did not seem to be transforming and overcoming the more element – it looked like the embodiment of a pantheistic sense about how the cosmos, imbued

Logos, in communion which finds its meaningful existence and man. The opposition of nature and culture of the ancient idea, so do not know – the best of man and society was conceived as the appropriate laws of nature. In turn, the spiritual intuition of the Middle Ages came, on the contrary, from the fact that the world itself and the man in the fundamental sense artificial – created by God (Mor Barak 2011).

In a sense, in such a world view dissolves categorical definitions of nature: the whole world is presented as a set of elements – a natural or spontaneous – as well as a text book in which God gave a higher meaning primordial, and that people should carefully read for spiritual edification and initiation to the deity (Christiano 2013).

The knowledge I gained I will use during my future study and at work. I believe that all the aspects that have been concerned throughout the course can be – and have to be – studied more, in a more profound way in order to elaborate and develop more theoretical and empirical approaches to their usage in practice.

“Where next!”

How I intend to keep using what I have learnt

In order to keep using what I have learned I will navigate various sources dedicated to the course's issues. For instance, the economic manifestations of globalization contribute to the formation of the world market education, when educational services are seen as a commodity, not only at the level of a particular region or state, but also at the level of the whole world, giving rise to strong competition of different national systems of education for foreign students, developing a variety of student and program flow of processes of internationalization of higher education. Valuable aspects of globalization is formed through the education system, which

translates humanistic values, contributes to solving problems of understanding representatives of different cultural and social communities at the level of human values.

Finally, the integration processes of the knowledge obtained will contribute to the creation of entire socio-cultural regions where the national traditions of higher education systems are increasingly subject to a single the requirements of universality, a shining example of what appears a single European educational space.

Reference List

BrainyQuote. (2016). Diversity Quotes at BrainyQuote. [online] Available at: [Accessed 2 May 2016].

Christiano, T. (2013). Equality, Fairness, and Agreements. J Soc Philos, 44(4), pp.370-391.

Danowitz, M.A, Hanappi-Egger, E & Mensi-Klarbach, H (2012): “Diversity in Organisations: Concepts and Practices”. Palgrave McMillan.

George, J. and Rozario, K. (2007). Equality, transparency, fairness for all. BMJ, 334(7594), pp.601-601.

Healey, J. (2009). Gender equality. Thirroul, N.S.W.: Spinney Press.

Holland, J. and Burnett, S. (2013). Employment law. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Kim, D. (2013). Right, Equality, and the Fairness Obligation. Philosophia, 41(3), pp.795-807.

Kumra, S & Manfredi, S (2012): “Managing Equality & Diversity: Theory and Practice”. Oxford University Press.

Liu, S, Volcic, Z & Gallois, C (2011): “Introducing Intercultural Communication: Global Cultures and Contexts”. Sage Publications.

Mor Barak, M.E (2011): “Managing Diversity: Toward a Globally Inclusive Workforce”. Sage Publications. (2016). Quotes About Diversity (309 quotes). [online] Available at: [Accessed 2 May 2016].

Roper, I, Prouska, R & Chatrakul, U (2010): “Critical Issues in HRM”. CIPD.

Temkin, L. (2015). Equality as Comparative Fairness. J Appl Philos, p.n/a-n/a.

Wiarda, H. (2014). Political culture, political science, and identity politics. Farnham: Ashgate Publishing Ltd.

Wilson, D (2008): Lead author of diversity chapter cited in Michael Muller-Carmen, Richard Croucher and Susan Leigh 'Human Resource Management'. CIPD ISBN 978-1-84398-165- 7

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